I can admit it, I sometimes get engrossed and overwhelmed by our current physical world.
I know, worry is not recommended anywhere that I have found in the Bible, as a matter of fact the Bible is the Anti-worry manual. I have read Romans 13:1-7, (13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except by God’s appointment, and the authorities that exist have been instituted by God) and I, no doubt, will watch the evening news, get engrossed and overwhelmed, and reread it again and again.
But I do have a heart for the brave people who are on foreign soil fighting for freedom. I treasure America, I treasure Christian values. I don't want to live in an America under any other umbrella other than those precepts set down by the founding fathers of this country based on Bible principals. I treasure my freedom, from bondage in things that are not of God.
I have a tender spot in my heart for our soldiers in the Middle East. The conditions are so harsh and the culture is so different and they are so far from home. I wanted to show my support and was so glad to find http://www.anysoldier.com/, then a link to http://www.cardsforheroes.org/ through that website.
Making cards for our troops lets me contribute on a personal level and say thank you to a person who is fighting for freedom.
Cards for Heroes supports our nation’s armed forces by sending them blank handmade greeting cards to write home on, as well as cards of gratitude to encourage them. They do this by asking for handmade card donations from people like you and me. The website address is http://cardsforheroes.org/. You will be uplifted when you read how the soldiers love getting these cards.
Cards for Heroes is pretty much a grassroots group of card making wives and mothers. They recently had a blog hop which I participated in, here's a direct link to my blog post on it, http://merrysmix.blogspot.com/2009/05/cards-for-heroes-blog-hop_22.html
There is so much to pray about concerning this post, I pray that the cards will be blessed by God, that they will be an encouragement to the person receiving them, I pray that the soldier that sends a card home, will one day go home whole. I pray for our entire armed forces on foreign soil, all over the world. I pray for our leaders, I pray for peace. I pray that this little grassroots movement of homemade support would gather followers, and become big, and surrounded by a prayer cloud that our true enemy the devil, cannot penetrate.
I hope that when you finish with this post that you will say a prayer for our troops.Much love in Jesus, Nora (Paradise Essentials)
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